School project in Bangladesh

Hilfe für Schulprojekt in Bangladesh
Aid for school procject

10% des Verkaufserlöses bei Fair Trade geht an eine Mädchenschule in Bangladesh,
welche ich auf meiner Reise besucht habe und deren Kinder für jede noch so kleine Unterstützung sehr dankbar sind.
Hilfe für Schulprojekte in Dhamor, Atwan, Panchagarh.

Aid for school procjects in Dhamore, Atwari, Panchagarh Bangladesh
By supprting our project we will be able to fight against illiteracy
Increasing the educational and professional chances of the youths
Knowledge is the first action against the problems caused by poverty
The greatest wish of the pupil of Junios Girls High School in Dhamaore is to learn.  Yet their conditions are very hard:  the school building is old and damaged.  Lessons are kept only for a few months and not throughout the entire year. The teachers are not qualified. The school cannot provide school books and other materials, the parents can not pay for the school uniforms.

Your help is needed so that the conditions will become better..

A support of 10 EURO is already sufficient to support with the necessary school outfit.
Of one child
If you wish to help or you are interested in further information please contact:
Ulla Hieronymi-Pinnock


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